Student of the year Eržebet Tot - The nurse is there for everything a patient needs | IT Subotica 2030 | #SuboticaHasIT Skip to main content

Student of the year Eržebet Tot - The nurse is there for everything a patient needs

Eržebet Tot

Eržebet Tot is a valedictorian student at Medical High School, who majored as a Nurse-Technician. Following the example of her father and sister who are in medicine, Eržebet also chose to wear a white coat, which she says requires love but also a balance between authority and care. 

"The nurse takes care of the patient, takes care of their hygiene, and for everything the patient needs, the nurse is there. Even more than the doctor himself. She must be kind, pleasant, and empathetic towards people, but also restrained enough. There must always be a certain amount of strictness, but also care, so that patients knows that someone is there for them", says Eržebet.   

Although she did not expect to be a student of the generation, Eržebet points out that the knowledge behind that title is much more important to her, which is why she kept passing the knowledge to her peers.  

That is how she attended the first aid section in the Bačka Topola Scout Squad, of which she has been a member since 2016. And today, as a group leader, she trains younger generations in summer camps on how to navigate nature, from lighting a fire to erecting a tent. She also had the opportunity to listen to numerous lectures and travel on excursions, one of which took her to the United States of America. 

Eržebet Tot

Eržebet Tot je jedna od 12 đaka generacije koje je organizacija “IT Subotica 2030” nagradila u okviru projekta “Učenici godine”. Jedna je od retkih koja će svoje obrazovanje da nastavi baš u Subotici i to na Visokoj školi strukovnih studija za obrazovanje vaspitača i trenera, gde želi da upiše smer Strukovni nutricionista-dijetetičar.

“Mislim da ću se u tome lepo snaći i volela bih jednoga dana da imam svoj blog na nekoj onlajn platformi i da imam pacijente kojima ću, nakon što mi kažu kakav problem imaju, moći da napišem plan ishrane i na taj način pomognem. Odgovara mi i što je fakultet u Subotici, zato što sam privržena porodici i ne bih pristala da budem na dugi vremenski period odvojena od njih. Smatram da Subotica kao grad ima dosta prostora za napredak i volela bih 2030. godine da vidim da se razvija u pogledu zaštite životne sredine, pravilnog odlaganja otpada i drugih stvari koje mogu da poboljšaju kvalitet života, a za sebe bih želela da budem uspešna u pozivu koji sam odabrala”, poručuje Eržebet.

"I spent two weeks at a summer camp in West Virginia in 2019. That whole trip was a big adventure, there were scouts from different countries and other continents. I got to know other cultures and that experience was special", says Eržebet.

Eržebet Tot is one of the 12 valedictorian students that the "IT Subotica 2030" organization awarded as part of the "Students of the Year" project. She is one of the few who will continue her education in Subotica at the Higher School of Vocational Studies for the Education of Teachers and Trainers, where she wants to enrol in the Vocational Nutritionist-Dietitian course.

"I think I will be good at it. I would like to have my blog on some online platform and have patients for whom I will write a nutrition plan after they tell me about their problems. It also suits me that the faculty is in Subotica because I am devoted to my family and would not agree to be separated from them for an extended period. I believe that Subotica as a city has a lot of room for improvement and in 2030, I would like to see it develop in terms of environmental protection, proper waste disposal, and other things that can improve the quality of life. And for myself I would like to be successful in the vocation which I chose", says Erzebet.