Studen of the year Sabolč Kozma - The more languages you know the smarter you are | IT Subotica 2030 | #SuboticaHasIT Skip to main content

Studen of the year Sabolč Kozma - The more languages you know the smarter you are

Sabolč Kozma

Sabolč Kozma is a valedictorian student of the "Deže Kostolanji" High school for talented students. They have been learning about living languages for the past four years. Today, he knows as many as seven languages, English and German that were his core subjects, French and Spanish as optional; and Latin, Serbian and his mother tongue, Hungarian.

"The saying goes that the more languages you know, the richer you are, and besides, it's important to know different languages because that's how you get to know different cultures." Of course, we did not study all the languages at the same level, but there was a difference in intensity. We were devided as a class into two groups - stronger and weaker. So the material was adapted to the student's level of knowledge. I have a C1 level in English, I know Spanish very well, German and Serbian a little less, and I don't speak Latin, but if there was some literature in front of me, I could easily manage", explains Sabolč. 

However, of all the languages he studied, only one never ceased to amaze him, and that was Hungarian. What attached him to it was literature, which is one of his first loves. He won at regional competitions. When he won his first republic-level competition, he began to pay more attention to grammar and spelling.

Hungarian is my native language I believe that I wouldn't be able to express myself as nicely as in any other language. I feel the most comfortable with it, and it accommodates me. I cannot imagine speaking any other language as well as Hungarian. 

Sabolč Kozma

Kozma Sabolč is one of the 12 valedictorian students that the "IT Subotica 2030" organization awarded as part of the "Students of the Year" project. He will continue his studies of the Hungarian language in Budapest. This is how he sees himself and Subotica in eight years:  

"There is a lot of room for improvement in Subotica because it has potential. However, I would like some key things that are characteristic of Subotica not to be changed. In terms of small streets, Art Nouveau, the spirit of the city, as well as the mentality of the people, I would like it to remain the same. This is a multilingual environment, and that culture should be kept the way it is. I am optimistic that I will figure a way to fit in, whether here or in Hungary. And no matter where the road takes me, I will consider it as success", said Sabolč.