The Student Of The Year, Fani Višnjei: “Hard work always pays off” | IT Subotica 2030 | #SuboticaHasIT Skip to main content

The Student Of The Year, Fani Višnjei: “Hard work always pays off”

Fani Višnjei

Fani Višnjei is the top student of School Of Chemical Technology, where she has been studying for the past four years to become a food technician. This title holds a special meaning for her, as it allowed her to achieve a dream that she has been working towards since day one.

"It really means a lot to me, because I didn't manage to become the top student in elementary school, but I set a goal for myself to become one in high school and I invested a lot of effort and energy into achieving that, and it paid off in the end," says Fani. 

It was not an easy journey, as she had to tackle subjects that are a stumbling block for many students, such as organic, inorganic, and analytical chemistry. Nevertheless, Fani was determined, and today she knows how to conduct quality control of food products. 

"What I found most interesting in my studies was the laboratory and everything that goes on in it. I learned how to control the composition of food, because I can see if something is harmful to health and based on that analysis, decide what will happen next with that product," explains Fani.

„Zaista mi mnogo znači, jer nisam uspela da budem đak generacije u osnovnoj školi, ali sam zacrtala sebi da ću da budem u srednjoj i jako puno truda i energije sam uložila da bi se to ostvarilo, a na kraju se isplatilo“, kaže Fani.  A to nije bilo nimalo lako, budući da su joj se na tom putu nalazili predmeti koji su mnogim đacima kamen spoticanja, poput organske, neorganske i analitičke hemije. Ipak, Fani je bila odlučna, zahvaljujući čemu danas zna da sprovodi kontrolu kvaliteta prehrambenih proizvoda.   “Ono što mi je bilo najinteresantnije u celom školovanju je upravo ta laboratorija i sve što se odvija u laboratoriji. Naučila sam kako da kontrolišem sam sastav hrane, jer mogu da vidim da li je nešto štetno po zdravlje i na osnovu te analize da odlučim šta će se dalje dešavati sa tim proizvodom”, objašnjava Fani.   Koliko je to dobro savladala, pokazuje i uspeh sa republičkog takmičenja iz ove uskostručne oblasti, na kojem je osvojila drugu nagradu, ali i to što svoje znanje primenjuje i u svakodnevnom životu, vodeći brigu o sebi i svojim ukućanima.  “Vrlo lako uspevam da razaznam šta je zdravo, a šta nije i čak sam i mami predlagala šta više da ne kupuje. Mogu i više da vodim računa o svom zdravlju, jer sam kroz školovanje naučila šta je potrebno od vitamina i minerala da unesem u organizam da bih bila zdrava“, ističe Fani.  Fani Višnjei je jedna od 12 đaka generacije koje je organizacija “IT Subotica 2030” nagradila u okviru projekta “Učenici godine”. Koliko god da joj je zanimljiva prehrambena industrija, želja joj je da se okuša i u preduzetništvu, zbog čega je upisala ekonomiju i menadžment na Univerzitetu u Segedinu.  „Tokom školovanja i dok sam odrastala sam samo želela da pobegnem iz Subotice,  ali sada, kako se taj trenutak približava, sve mi teže pada. Mislim da bi se nakon studija možda i vratila u Suboticu, zbog toga što mi je porodica tu i verovatno ću osećati stalnu nostalgiju. Smatram da je Subotica jako lep grad, ali da ima dosta prostora da se razvija, pre svega u pogledu upravljanja otpadom

Taking care of herself and her household, as well as her success at the National competition in this field, show just how well she mastered this subject. 

"I can easily tell apart healthy from unhealthy, and I even suggested to my mom to buy certain things less. I can take better care of my health because through education, I learned what vitamins and minerals I need to consume to stay healthy," emphasizes Fani. 

Fani Višnjei is one of 12 students of the generation awarded by the "IT Subotica 2030" organization within the "Students of the Year" project. Although she finds the food industry fascinating, she also wants to try entrepreneurship, which is why she enrolled in economics and management at the University of Szeged. 

"During my schooling and as I grew up, I just wanted to get out of Subotica, but now, as that moment approaches, it gets harder for me. I think that after graduation, I might even return to Subotica because my family is here, and I will probably feel nostalgia. I believe that Subotica is a beautiful city, but it has a lot of room to develop, especially in terms of waste management and maintenance outside the city center. I would like to see that in 2030 because I think it can be worked on, but it is equally important to me that, no matter how much it develops, the essence of Subotica remains," says Fani.